Strengthening Trade Union Collaborations: Insights from COTU (K) During My Mission in Kenya and Lessons for Somaliland

While I am under my mission in Kenya, I had the honor of meeting with Hon. Benson O. Okwaro, the esteemed Deputy Secretary-General of Kenya’s Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU) and the General Secretary of the Communication Workers Union (K). COTU (K), founded in 1965, is the largest and most influential association of workers’ unions in Kenya, having shaped the relationship between employers and workers since the early days of the country’s independence.

Our discussions were further enriched by the presence of the International Advisor to the Secretary-General of COTU. Together, we explored the regulatory frameworks governing Kenya’s trade unions, gaining valuable insights into the evolution of these regulations over the decades. The conversation highlighted the challenges and successes that COTU has encountered in its mission to protect workers’ rights and promote fair labor practices across various sectors.

As we examined the experiences of Kenyan trade unions, it became clear that there are numerous lessons applicable to our own context. The robust mechanisms that COTU has developed to mediate disputes, advocate for better working conditions, and engage with employers offer a valuable blueprint for strengthening our own trade union movements. This exchange of knowledge underscores the importance of international cooperation in advancing the interests of workers and enhancing the effectiveness of trade unions globally.

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