Engaging in Democracy: A McCain Fellow’s Journey in Washington, DC

Arriving safely in Washington, DC, on this historic day as President Joe Biden announces his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race marks a significant moment in U.S. political history. As a McCain Fellow with the International Republican Institute (IRI), I am excited about the opportunities ahead to engage with key U.S. government institutions, policymakers, thought leaders, and American entrepreneurs. These discussions will cover a wide range of topics, including politics, public policy, democracy, the private sector, civil society, legislative matters, defense, and leading think tanks.

On the first day of the Fellowship, our cohort engaged in a deeply insightful conversation with IRI President Daniel Twining and Executive Vice President Kimber Shearer. The discussion focused on supporting emerging democracies, such as Somaliland, enhancing citizen engagement, and fostering collaborations with local leaders. IRI has a track record of empowering civil society organizations (CSOs) in Somaliland, advocating for more responsive and accountable governance. This commitment to strengthening civil society is crucial, as it serves as the backbone of a vibrant and sustainable democracy.

During our exchange, I emphasized the importance of IRI’s continued involvement in Somaliland. Civil society’s role in advocating for democratic values cannot be overstated, and their efforts can lead to significant societal transformations. By collaborating with local leaders and citizens, we can help create an environment where democratic principles thrive. Encouraging IRI to renew and deepen its commitment to Somaliland is essential for supporting these efforts and ensuring that democracy takes root and flourishes.

As the Fellowship progresses, I look forward to further enriching my understanding of how U.S. institutions and leaders navigate the complexities of democracy and governance. The knowledge and insights gained will be invaluable in advancing the democratic ideals and practices that are so crucial for emerging nations like Somaliland. The IRI’s mission to promote freedom and democracy worldwide aligns perfectly with my aspirations to contribute meaningfully to the democratic journey of my homeland. #McCainFellow #Somaliland

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