Rallying Behind the Kulmiye Party: A Legacy of Support and a Vision for Somaliland’s Future

As we stand at a pivotal moment in Somaliland’s history, I am proud to have kicked off my constituency rally in unwavering support of the Kulmiye Party. This rally marks not just another event in the electoral calendar but a continuation of a longstanding commitment to a party that has consistently championed the interests and aspirations of the people of Somaliland.

The Importance of Electing Kulmiye’s Presidential Candidates

The upcoming election is not just about choosing leaders; it’s about choosing the future of Somaliland. The election of Kulmiye’s presidential candidates is crucial at this critical juncture, as it is closely tied to our shared goal of advancing the re-recognition of the Republic of Somaliland on the global stage. The leadership of the Kulmiye Party has always been at the forefront of efforts to secure international recognition for our nation, a cause that has become even more urgent given the evolving geopolitical landscape in the Horn of Africa and beyond.

A Legacy of Support

This constituency’s support for the Kulmiye Party is not new; it is rooted in nearly two decades of trust and shared values. Our journey began in 2002 when Kulmiye became a party, and we have stood by its side ever since. We have witnessed and contributed to its growth, from the historic 2010 election where President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud “Siilaanyo” won the presidency, to the momentous 2017 victory of President Muse Bihi Abdi. Each of these milestones was not just a win for the party but a triumph for the people of Somaliland, who saw their hopes and aspirations reflected in the leadership of Kulmiye.

Why This Election Matters

Today, as we rally once again behind Kulmiye, we do so with the knowledge that the stakes have never been higher. The re-recognition of the Republic of Somaliland is not just a political goal; it is a national imperative. It is about securing our place in the community of nations, ensuring that our sovereignty is acknowledged, and that our voice is heard on the global stage. The election of Kulmiye’s candidates will ensure that this mission remains at the forefront of our national agenda.

Looking Ahead

As we move forward, it is essential to remember that the strength of our party lies in the strength of our people. The unwavering support of this constituency is a testament to the shared vision we have for Somaliland—a vision of peace, prosperity, and international recognition. By electing Kulmiye’s candidates, we are not just casting a vote; we are making a statement that Somaliland’s future is bright, and it is in capable hands.

Finally, as we rally behind the Kulmiye Party in this critical election, let us do so with the determination to see Somaliland recognized for what it truly is: a beacon of democracy, stability, and progress in the region. Together, we will continue to build on the legacy of those who came before us and pave the way for a future where the Republic of Somaliland is recognized and respected on the world stage.

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