Reflections on the DGTrends 2014 Pre-Conference Youth Consultations – Nairobi, Kenya

The DGTrends 2014 Pre-Conference Youth Consultations held in Nairobi, Kenya, brought together a diverse group of 200 young people from across the globe to address the significant impact of conflict on Africa’s socio-economic development, especially focusing on its youthful population. The discussions aimed at exploring practical solutions to silence the guns in Africa by 2020, emphasizing the critical role of youth in peacebuilding and governance.

Key Takeaways and Emerging Issues

  1. Youth as Central to Conflict and Peacebuilding: The recognition that 60% of Africa’s population is youthful underscores the critical need for youth involvement in conflict prevention and post-conflict reconstruction. This demographic is both a potential driver of conflict and a powerful force for peace, highlighting the necessity for resilient and inclusive governance systems.
  2. Governance and Youth Empowerment: The conference underscored that effective governance is fundamental to addressing conflicts. The African Union Youth Charter’s provisions for youth participation in decision-making processes were highlighted as essential for fostering inclusive development and peace.
  3. Challenges Facing African Youth: The consultations shed light on the numerous challenges faced by African youth, including unemployment, poverty, illiteracy, limited access to healthcare, and exposure to violence. These issues necessitate comprehensive strategies to integrate marginalized youth into mainstream society and harness their potential for positive change.

Recommendations for Action

  1. Strengthening Democratic Governance:
    • Partnerships and Participation: The need for multi-sectoral partnerships and the active involvement of youth in political processes were emphasized. This includes participation in pre-election processes, election observation, and post-election audits.
    • Mentorship and Youth Programs: Developing a continental youth mentorship initiative and a Youth Peace Corps to support emergency relief and humanitarian crises.
  2. Peacebuilding and Preventive Diplomacy:
    • Conflict Resolution Structures: Encouraging AU Member States to establish structures for conflict resolution and peacebuilding, ensuring youth inclusion in these processes.
    • Arms Control: Commitment to implementing the Arms Trade Treaty and eradicating small arms proliferation in Africa.
  3. Socio-Economic Development:
    • Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Strengthening national youth structures to promote innovation, entrepreneurship, and public service engagement.
    • Investment in Science and Technology: Encouraging greater investments in science, technology, and innovation to drive sustainable economic development and peace.

Implementation and Follow-Up

The participants called for strong commitment from the African Union (AU) and Member States to implement the recommendations. This includes:

  • Championing Youth Recommendations: Identifying leaders to champion the implementation of youth recommendations at the AU Summit.
  • Enhanced Communication: Improving communication and media strategies to make them more accessible and impactful for the youth.
  • Research and Data: Partnering with young researchers and think tanks for data generation and dissemination on governance and peace trends.


The DGTrends 2014 Youth Consultations were a significant step in recognizing and harnessing the potential of African youth in peacebuilding and governance. The quality of discussions and the comprehensive recommendations provided a clear roadmap for actionable steps toward silencing the guns in Africa. The gratitude expressed towards the African Union Commission and other partners reflects the participants’ optimism and commitment to driving change on the continent.

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